Monday:8:30 AMEnglishEnglishENat St. Thomas More Parish
Tuesday:6:00 PMEnglishEnglishEN
Wednesday:8:30 AMEnglishEnglishEN
Thursday:8:30 AMEnglishEnglishEN
Friday:8:30 AMEnglishEnglishEN
Adoration Times
Perpetual: Please see our adoration page for more information.
The Adoration chapel is open during office hours and available to outside these times to those signed up as scheduled Adorers. If you would like to become a scheduled adorer, please visit our Adoration page to sign up for a time.
Confession Times
Thursday:12:00 PM Promptly, until all confessions have been heard
Saturday:3:00 PM Promptly, until all confessions have been heard
or by appointment with Fr. Matthew. *Confessions will not be offered on Holy Thursday or Holy Saturday.