Councils and Commissions
Pastoral Council
The pastoral council is a consultative leadership body of parishioners that advises and makes recommendations to the pastor. The purpose of the pastoral council is to be a sign and witness of unity, to recommend parish priorities and direction, to promote community, and to assist the pastor in pastoral planning.
Many Gifts: Consultative Leadership
Paige McDonald
Dan Doyle
Regan Hupf
Lauren Thorkildsen
Jeannine Thigpen
Arvin Mannahan
Taylor Manlanget
Girold Martelino
The Pastoral Council usually meets once a month from 7:00-9:00pm.
The Term of Office is 3 years.
Finance Council
The finance council is a consultative body that provides the pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of parish fiscal resources.
Many Gifts: Consultative Leadership
Susan Suver
Carolyn Brennan
Sean Drew
Ron Haider
Al Hendricks
Dan Wartelle
Mark Weatherly
The Finance Council usually meets once a month from 7:00-9:00pm.
The Term of Office is 3 years.