Mass Times

Sunday Mass:

  • (Sunday Vigil) Saturday 5:00PM

  • Sunday 8:30AM, 10:30AM

Weekday Mass:

  • Monday 8:30AM at St. Thomas More

  • Tuesday 6:00PM

  • Wednesday 8:30AM

  • Thursday 8:30AM

  • Friday 8:30AM

Mass times for feast days and holidays are published in the bulletin and parish home page.

Reconciliation Schedule:

  • Thursday 12:00PM

  • Saturday 3:00PM

Or schedule an appointment by calling 425.977.4573

The church is open for prayer:

Monday - Thursday, 7:30AM-4:00PM

If you would like to sign up for a regular adoration time, please visit our Eucharist page.

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 9:00AM to 4:30PM

Our goal is to support you. Please contact the office or the appropriate staff if you need to schedule a meeting outside of regular office hours. We will do our best to accommodate you!

Sacramental Emergency

Please call 425.977.4575