
How can I repay the Lord for all the great good done for me?
— Psalm 116:12

Stewardship is the profound acknowledgment that all that we possess, whether material or spiritual, is bestowed upon us as a gracious gift from God. It encapsulates the understanding that we are entrusted with these blessings, not to hoard or exploit for self-gain, but to generously share with others. It is a call to responsibly manage and nurture the resources, talents, and time we have been granted, recognizing that they are not truly our own, but rather loaned to us by the Divine. This awareness prompts a spirit of gratitude and a deep sense of accountability to utilize these gifts for the betterment of not only ourselves but also for the benefit of our communities and the world at large. Thus, stewardship becomes an embodiment of love in action, as we extend God's abundant generosity to those around us through acts of compassion, charity, and service.

Instructions for online giving:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Whenever you need to login to PushPay again, simply go to our giving page and click the “Give by PushPay” button. You’ll be prompted to input your cell phone number and a sign in code will be sent to you by text. Enter the code and you’ll be logged in. While logged in, you can also enter an email and set up for traditional password access.

  • Yes, once you add an email to your profile you will receive confirmation emails.

  • We understand that some of our parishioners are more comfortable contributing by check or cash and we will continue to provide donation envelopes as a giving option. Howeve, we would like to encourage all of or prarishioners to consider online giving as it simplifies the donation process and makes giving easy.

  • If you want to give to specific causes beyond just Sunday tithing (such as St. Vincent de Paul) simply set up your gift for Sunday and then set up separate gifts for the other causes. Go to our giving page and use the drop-down feature under “Fund.” Each gift takes less than 15 seconds to set up!

  • You can always call, emai, or stop by our office between 9:00am-4:30pm Monday through Thursday.

  • Please don’t hesitate to contact the parish office with any questions.

  • You will be able to view your giving both in PushPay and ParishStaq. ParishStaq includes historical giving to the parish from your family. However, we are migrating data from October 2022 to early April 2023 between our current system and ParishStaq. Rest assured the records of your donations within that period are still intact and will be visible in ParishStaq soon.

    While the process of importing this data is underway, we sincerely thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

  • When using PushPay, you can be confident that your payment information is secure. PushPay engages with a third-party assessor annually to validate that their systems are implemented securely and comply with the PCI Data Security Standard. Components of this program include third-party penetration tests, vulnerability scanning, patching, security incident management, daily log review, alerts for critical events, and much more. Learn more here.

  • Only you, your spouse, and members of the parish and archdiocesan staff with access to privileged financial information will be able to see your financial records. In addition, if you give to multiple parishes in the diocese, the administration of those parishes will only be able to see your giving to their parish.

  • Yes, you can create an account with two names e.g. “John and Jane Smith.” However, when it imports into ParishStaq it will be directly linked to one of the spouses for purposes of merging. Both spouses will still be able to see the record of giving when logged into ParishStaq.

First time giving online? You can set up your PushPay account in three easy steps!

  1. Click the Set Up Pushpay button

  2. Fill in your information.

  3. Check your email or cell phone for confirmation.

You are all set!

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. Thank you for your financial support of our parish family!