Safe Environment

What is the Safe Environment Program?

The Archdiocese of Seattle has a long commitment to the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults. For years, we've taken steps to ensure the safety of those who serve and are served in our parishes, schools and agencies. This program was established in 2007 to ensure those safety commitments, while also offering assistance to those who are suffering in the aftermath of abuse.

What is Our Mission Statement?

The Safe Environment Program assists the Archbishop in coordinating child abuse prevention efforts throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. The program support parishes, schools and agencies of the Archdiocese with all Safe Environment efforts, including background checks, training, and development and implementation of related policies.

How Do We Carry Out Our Mission?

The Safe Environment Program uses two programs to help keep children and vulnerable adults safe.  Virtus and Circle of Grace training are designed for specific age groups to provide understanding about abuse prevention.  Protecting God's Children for Adults ensures safe environments in our parishes, schools and Archdiocesan departments and agencies.  This free training increases awareness about the nature of child sexual abuse.  Participants register for an in-person or internet-based initial training session to learn the warning signs of abuse, strategies for handling suspected abuse and ways to respond to known abuse.  Protecting God's Children for Adults is offered to all adults working with children or vulnerable adults.  Circle of Grace was developed by the Archdiocese of Omaha and is a children's safety program which incorporates the core teachings of our Catholic faith: the belief and knowledge of God's Real Presence in our lives.  Awareness and incorporation of this knowledge can transform lives.  Children learn the importance and sacredness of relationships, how to protect the special person they are and how to be respectful of others.  Circle of Grace is offered to all children in grades K-12 in our Catholic schools and parish Faith Formation programs.  

Click here to register / access your Virtus account

Click here for more resources, tools and information from Safe Environment

For questions regarding Holy Rosary Parish and School Safe Environment or for assistance, please contact:

Parish - Deacon Craig Lundberg

School - Liz Schimpf