“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19
Infant Baptism
We are delighted that you are seeking to baptize and raise your child in the Catholic faith. This is a significant decision and a wonderful step towards nurturing your child’s spiritual life. Our Baptism FAQs cover important information about the sacrament of Baptism, the role of parents and godparents, and the requirements for baptism at our parish family. We encourage you to read through them before signing up for a Baptism class.
For questions regarding Baptism for infants, children, or adults, please contact Daria Lobato.
Once again, we congratulate you on this beautiful commitment to raising your child in the Catholic faith. The sacrament of baptism is a joyous occasion, where your child will receive the grace of God and become a member of the Catholic Church. We look forward to accompanying you and your family on this sacred journey
Infant Baptisms are usually celebrated on the second weekend of each month during all Masses at both campuses.
Baptisms for children 7 years and older, youth, and adults are celebrated during the Easter Vigil.
Infant Baptism preparation classes are offered most months for our parish family on Wednesdays, 4-7pm at our St. Thomas More Campus. To find out when the next Baptism class is being offered, please visit our parish calendar.
You can sign up for an Infant Baptism by clicking the Infant Baptism Class Registration button. Please be sure to sign up and submit the Baptism Registration Form two weeks prior to the class.
You will be able to schedule your child for Baptism once you sign up for the Infant Baptism Class.
Parents and godparents are required to submit:
Child’s birth certificate
Annotated copy of Baptism Certificate for each godparent
Attend an Infant Baptism Preparation class.
This class is offered most months and includes the rehearsal.
Godparents who are out of town or out of state can attend a Baptism preparation class at their own parish. Their parish must provide a letter or certificate of completion before the baptism takes place.
Sponsors (Godparents) take on the responsibility of witness, mentor, and companion on the journey of faith. Therefore they should be chosen with care and are required to be:
At least 16 years of age
Fully initiated in the Church, having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
In good standing with the Catholic Church.
Children and Youth Baptism
Our Parish Family (Holy Rosary and St. Thomas More) runs a special program for children and youth ages 7-18 seeking Baptism.
The Catholic Church considers children who have reached the age of reason (typically 7 years of age) capable of understanding and choosing to be fully initiated in the life of the Church. For this reason it is the practice of the Roman Catholic Church to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) with those who reach the age of reason once they have completed their sacramental preparation.
To sign up, contact Daria Lobato.
Adult Baptism
For information on Adult Baptism and preparation, please visit our Becoming Catholic page.
Baptism is the sacrament in which, by water and the power of the Holy Spirit, a person is cleansed of all sin, including original sin, and experiences birth into the new life of Christ.
Catechism of the Catholic Church #1214