Women’s Association

Our Mission:

To provide opportunities for all women in our parish family to grow spiritually and socially by praying, working and contributing to parish life together.

Our Vision:

The members of the Women’s Association are supportive of our parish family and its members through our works, deeds and spiritual practices.


All women of the parish are invited to join us in the Pastoral Center for breakfast and fellowship on the second Tuesday of the month, starting with the Rosary in the church at 8:45am.

There are no meetings during the months of July and August.

Events Sponsored by the Women’s Association:

St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

Wishes for Christmas

Holiday Fair

Spring Rummage Sale - Goods2Go

“…she has shown great love…” Luke 7:47

For questions or more information, please contact Sharon Suver at 206.235.6041